A busy, lazy summer

Man! It’s hard to decipher whether this summer was busy, and I got lazy with my blog posting or I was so busy I didn’t have time to post. Knowing me, probably a little bit of both.

We’ve been upgrading the house (bathroom, flooring, rugs, window treatments, downsizing the aquarium, new furniture, etc.) as our home now serves as a work-at-home office for Leslie. Amazing how much a place opens up when you simplify your furnishings.

We just got back from a nice vacation to Bodega Bay and managed to escape the heat for awhile. It was nice going back to that Sonoma coastal town that my family used to go to every summer. Not much has changed. Lots of birds, the constant fog horn, wind swept coastal pines, clammers out digging in the early morning closely watched by the gulls looking for a quick bite, and schools of sardines swimming alongside boats coming to dock at the pier. I managed to take a few photos which I’ve added to my Fine Art America page, which you can find here: https://keith-carmona.pixels.com/

The INDIEGOGO campaign for Marion Maxx just finished up, and while we just missed the goal, there’s enough funds to get a printing of the book out to all of the backers who chose to get it. Thanks to all to liked, shared, or contributed to the campaign! It all helped out! In other book news, I had to change artists for Dr. Dream, so taking over that job will be Mark V. You can check out some of his work here: https://scatteredcat.wixsite.com/scatteredstudios/mark-v

He’s finished some inks for the Scattered Comic’s crossover book we’ve all been working on, and the dude if flat out awesome. Fast, detailed, good vision for graphic storytelling. Glad he’ll be at the helm for Dr. Dream’s future issues.

Fingers crossed that all will go well for the Pull-Up-A-Chair mini-Expo coming up in September 25th. Music, games, readings, artists panels and yours truly will be there with books to sell as well as part of the comics panel with Kyrun Silva from Taurus Comics. You can get your tickets to the event here: https://time2tabletop.ticketspice.com/puacxish?fbclid=IwAR1-BM4bdHrYJOFntov0iPsVwLVePIGKoU0_3Ph1MuCON3_Dd24_BOfajDM

Hope to see you there! Should be lots of fun!

Quick note on the sponsored links. Can’t say I blame them but a couple of companies have dropped their links, but that’s okay cuz I’ve got a better one instead: Bookshop.org. Makes sense, right? You don’t how right you are. Bookshop.org not only has every title a booklover would want, but it also supports local book stores. With just one click, you can find a local bookstore where you live or where you’re visiting. As an affiliate, you can click on my store link and see what I’ve read. You can always navigate to the main page and check out the millions of other titles they have. While you’re there, sign up for their newsletter and get info on the latest titles to hit the stores.

Okay, so hopefully the next posting won’t be as long


New book, new campaigns, and next appearance!


The Long Wait is over…Marion Maxx is here!