New review of Damage Inc.

So those who have wandered around the site know that one of my fellow Scattered creators, James Burton, writes a series called Damage Inc., and he recently published a new book which is actually the conclusion of an epic crossover with another Scattered title called Shadow Hunters by Jason Dube.

I had a chance to review the book which I thoroughly enjoyed, but I want to take a moment to highlight a couple of things I forgot on the video. One, James is a great storyteller. He’s got a real knack to weaving a complex story but making it accessible to a wide range of audience members. Second, his art is amazing. If you’re familiar with his work, his interiors are black and white and grey scale. He does so much with depth and light and shadow, I sometimes have to stop and as “How’d he do that?”

Well, I won’t give everything away. Just hit the YouTube button above or click the link below to check it out!


Some thoughts on this July 4th 2020


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