Site update, Pt. 1

Hey! If you tuned in to the Off the Dice podcast last night, then you got a real treat! Probably a strange tasting taffy like treat that sticks to your teeth with bits leftover along the sides of your gums that are hard to reach with your tongue—but a treat nonetheless! It was some weird and wacky fun talking to Scooter and Rysa, so much so that they’ve invited me back for future episodes and on another project they’re putting together for creative storytelling. I’m not sure what’s wrong with these people. I guess I didn’t break the show enough so they’re bringing me back…

If you cruise your way around the site, you’ll notice I added some clickable links to the Community and Universe posting, a 20th century technology—that I just figured out today how to achieve. In a race to catch up to the 21st century, I’m still clocking a 15 minute mile…

You’ll also probably notice a few buttons and banners to other sites, ones that I trust and do business with. Check them out if you’re in need of their goods or services.

Teepublic legal department still has not gotten back to me on my “dead trademark” designs, so I tried Cafe Press. Still an issue with uploading the images, and, of course, they’ll get back to me as well…

Okay, so the next post will hopefully be later today when I get all of the pictures of the convention swag and packs uploaded to the Books page.


Site update, Pt. 2


Photos, DD #4, and convention packs this weekend!